Reading Course in Symplectic Geometry
Winter 2018, University of Toronto. Supervised by Professor Lisa Jeffrey.
Syllabus & Textbooks
The syllabus of the course.
We will mostly follow Ana Cannas da Silva's notes. Other useful resources include Eckhard Meinrenken's notes, and Lisa Jeffrey's 2016 course.
Links to useful introductory articles about the history and philosophy of symplectic geometry.
- Holm, Tara. "What is Symplectic Geometry?" Notices of the AMS 63, no. 11 (2016): 1252-1254.
- Weinstein, Alan. "Symplectic geometry." Bulletin of the American mathematical society 5, no. 1 (1981): 1-13.
- McDuff, Dusa. "What is Symplectic Geometry?" European Women In Mathematics. (2010): 33-53.
Symplectic Linear Algebra
(Jan. 15-Jan. 29)
Differential Geometry Review
(Jan. 29-Feb .12)
Symplectic Manifolds
(Feb. 12-Feb. 26)
Theorems of Darboux, Moser, and Weinstein
(Feb. 26-Mar. 12)
Almost Complex Structures
(Mar. 12-Mar.26)